Raspberry PI Beginner’s Guide

Alex Melnyk
4 min readApr 24, 2024

Installing OS

Download the Raspberry PI Imager by following link https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/

Open Raspberry PI Imager and select following items

  1. Select the Raspberry PI Device
  2. Select Operation System Raspberry PI OS (64-bit) with Desktop

3. Select the MicroSD card to write the OS then press the “Next” button

4. In the “Use OS customisation?” modal choose the “Edit Settings” button, fill selected items then press the “Save” button.

5. You will see “Use OS customisation?” modal again, now press “Yes” button and take a coffee until image is written to the MicroSD card.

6. Eject MicroSD card once image is written, and put into the Raspberry PI

7. Connect Raspberry PI to the power source, wait until it connects to the WiFi, alternatively you can connect Ethernet cable.

Headless Desktop

Raspberry PI doesn't require a display to show desktop. You can use standard connection via HDMI — HDMI-F (Micro HDMI) or even connect SPI display. But in case you wanna access Raspberry PI OS via VNC you’ll need to prepare VNC server on it.

Remote Desktop View (VNC)

Using a VNC you can access to a remote computer desktop.

  1. Connect to Raspberry PI via SSH using terminal.

For example it has IP address then follow next command. At the very first access you will be asked to add the host as know, type “yes” and enter.

NOTICE: If you don’t know the IP address, type ping “airdefender.local” host name which you did fill in the Raspberry PI Imager

  1. ssh melnyk@

2. Once you are inside, install the RealVNC Server

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server

3. Configure Raspberry PI by running the following command

sudo raspi-config

4. Press the “Finish” button once VNC is enabled. You’ll need to reboot the system to activate VNC and start RealVNC, run the following command

sudo reboot

5. While it is rebooting, download and install the RealVNC Connect to your machine, it contains both Server and Client.

6. Open RealVNC Viewer on your laptop and connect to the Raspberry PI

7. Enter IP address of the Raspberry PI and press Enter

8. First time you’ll be asked to add new signature, press “Continue” button

Enter username and password of the Raspberry PI, that is it, you’re in!!!

